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about Naviextras.com
Naviextras.com is the official map update portal for a growing number of personal navigation devices and PDA navigation software.

Click here to see the current list of compatible devices

Before browsing Naviextras.com site for updates and extras, we recommend you to download and install Naviextras Toolbox, our free PC-tool.

This tool is required for the identification of your navigation device, and later it is used to download the neccessary files and get a license key.

GET the Naviextras Toolbox free PC-tool

install it to your PC, then connect your navigation device.

After installing and starting Naviextras Toolbox, you can start browsing the Maps & More page on the Naviextras.com portal, where all available maps and 3D content is listed with detailed information about coverage and compatibility. Alternatively, you can continue to select an update or extra map in Naviextras Toolbox PC-tool's Get Maps & More screen.

Read more in these How-To Guides.

Naviextras.com how-to
Read these Guides to learn how to browse and select updates and extra maps on Naviextras.com for your navigation device or software.
Naviextras Toolbox how-to
These Guides explain how to use the Naviextras Toolbox PC-tool to conveniently download and install the selected updates to your navigation device.