Username Enter your username here. Alternatively you can also use your email address here.
Password Enter your password here. If you forgot your password, click on the Forgot username or password link.
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prepaid card or code
If you have a prepaid card or a code you want to redeem, click the below link and follow the instructions.
about Naviextras.com
Naviextras.com is the official map update portal for a growing number of personal navigation devices and PDA navigation software.

Click here to see the current list of compatible devices
Specify your navigation system

Some site features, including buying updates, require registration of your navigation device or software. Please select your navigation system type from the list below.

If you have an iGO My way 8 navigation software running on a PDA device, please choose "NNG" from the manufacturer list.


Register your maps with Naviextras Toolbox

A free PC-tool called Naviextras Toolbox is available on the Downloads page. Once you connect your navigation device to your PC and launch this tool, it will automatically scan your device for installed software and maps. Alternatively Naviextras Toolbox also might recognize SD cards that were removed from the navigation device and put into a card reader.


maps & more
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Middle East and Africa
Middle East
Southern Africa
Southeast Asia
Safety Cameras
Free PC Extras